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Great Labor Arts Exchange/Labor Notes preview

Chris Garlock | Published on 3/31/2024
Rockin’ Your Rally and Picket Line, Creative Tactics and Strategic Mischief, and Songwriting for the Movement are just a few of the sessions available at this year’s Great Labor Arts Exchange, being held April 18-21 at the Labor Notes conference in Chicago. If you’re attending (registration is now closed), check out a Labor Notes sneak preview here (see page 13 for the GLAE schedule). NOTE: We plan to stream selected GLAE programs; stay tuned for details!

You could be a winner! OK, so you missed out on the billion-dollar Powerball drawing. If you’re going to the Great Labor Arts Exchange, though, you could be a winner in our 2024 Song, Poem, Hip-Hop & Drag Contest! Prizes will be awarded in six categories – including, for the first time, drag performance -- the deadline for submission is 5p CST on April 19; click here for entry guidelines and to submit. 

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