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CLUW’s “transcendent” 50th

Chris Garlock | Published on 3/25/2024
Leaders of the Coalition of Labor Union Women celebrated the organization’s 50th anniversary on Sunday at the “Transcending” Labor Legacy Landmark in Detroit, Michigan. “The name of CLUW's first president, Olga M. Madar, is engraved in the monument,” said CLUW National President Elise Bryant, who was joined by CLUW/UAW National VP Ashley Lewis, Michigan CLUW State President Denise Caldwell and Detroit CLUW President Tamika Johnson-Smith. “Olga’s name is engraved on the monument, as are my parents, Blanche and Albert and my own name,” said Bryant. “We chose the labor monument because we could not find Olga’s grave.”

Over 3,000 union women from more than 58 unions and 41 states gathered in Chicago on March 23-24, 1974 to establish an organization based upon women and labor movements. “We held bread and roses on the 50th anniversary to honor all the founding members of CLUW,” said Bryant.
As we go marching, marching, in the beauty of the day
A million darkened kitchens, a thousand mill lofts gray
Are touched with all the radiance that a sudden sun discloses
For the people hear us singing: Bread and Roses! Bread and Roses!

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