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HomeEventsRediscovering the Federal Art Project at the Saint Louis Art Museum

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Rediscovering the Federal Art Project at the Saint Louis Art Museum

Date and Time

Tuesday, February 04, 2025, 5:00 PM until 7:00 PM

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Labor History

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About this event

"Hidden Histories: Rediscovering the Federal Art Project"

with Dr. John Ott and Dr. Amy Torbert
Tuesday, February 4, 2025, 5pm  
When the FAP ended in 1943, the Saint Louis Art Museum received a trove of 256 prints, drawings, watercolors and paintings. The exhibition draws from this rich collection to explore how this federal program expanded opportunities to create and encounter art in many different communities, some of which historically lacked the necessary infrastructure and support for the arts. Works by African American, Asian American, female-identifying and immigrant artists testify to the New Deal’s ambition to nourish individuals and communities through the arts. 
John Ott is Professor of Art History at James Madison University and Amy Torbert is the Andrew W. Mellon Foundation Associate Curator of American Art at the Saint Louis Art Museum and co-curator, with Clare Kobasa, of the museum’s current exhibition The Work of Art: The Federal Art Project, 1935–1943. Their conversation will offer a behind-the-scenes look at the planning process for this show, relate forgotten and untold stories from our nation's artistic past and illuminate neglected contributions from women, immigrant and minority artists. FREE. REGISTER

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