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HomeEventsLarry The Musical: An American Journey

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Larry The Musical: An American Journey

Date and Time

Wednesday, April 03, 2024, 8:00 AM until Sunday, April 7, 2024, 8:00 PM


Brava Main Stage
2781 24th Street
San Francisco, CA  94110



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About this event

Play based on the book Journey for Justice: The Life of Larry Itliong, by the late historian Dr. Dawn Mabalon and Gayle Romasanta.
The assistant director under Cesar Chavez when the United Farm Workers (UFW) was created, Larry organized and led protests for equal pay and dignified living conditions for farm and cannery workers throughout the West Coast and Alaska from the 1930s to when the UFW was created in 1966. As the musical unfolds, Itliong’s story as a brilliant labor organizer comes to life, shedding light on the Filipino American community who shaped Itliong’s leadership as a 15-year-old to his posthumous recognition in Labor International’s Hall of Fame, and the proclamation of “Larry Itliong Day,” by the State of California in 2015.

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