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LABOR ARTS NEWS: Guthrie Theater Front-Facing Crew Votes to Join IATSE

Chris Garlock | Published on 6/27/2024
Guthrie Theater Front-Facing Crew Votes to Join IATSE: Front-of-house workers at Minneapolis’ Guthrie Theater voted to join Theatrical Stage Employees (IATSE) Local 13 earlier this month, with more than 70% of the ballots cast in favor of joining the union. - AFL-CIO Daily Brief

Blue Cubicle Press’ latest a “cornucopia of great writing”: “What a cornucopia of great writing comprises the latest offering in the Workers Write!
series from Blue Cubicle Press, Further Tales from the Cubicle,” reports John Beck in the Our Daily Work/Our Daily Lives newsletter. “Though the whole volume is a pleasure to read, there were a few standouts. Ida Bettis Fogle's "Efficiency Leads to Fulfillment" is a wicked look into the future…David LaBounty's own contribution, "The Intern and the Eagle," is another wry look at corporate life…There are a set of three great "Black and Brown" sonnets exploring service work in the corporate tower in the midst of Covid.” Check it out here.

More than “Finding The Money’: MMT, Political Strategy, and the State: Maxwell Rott’s report in the Washington Socialist on the DC Labor FilmFest screening last month of Finding The Money, is an excellent – and brief -- review/overview of the 2023 documentary on Modern Monetary Theory (MMT). “As Kelton effectively puts it in the film, how can the U.S. government run a deficit when it has sovereignty over the medium of exchange?” 

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